How do I update the Club’s points?


Periodically a club will want to modify the point structure for in or out of season.  We provide you the ability to make these changes.  Go to Housekeeping – Points


Modifying Existing Points:

  • Select the Membership Type to modify
  • Select the Course to modify
  • Select the Number of Holes to modify (18 or 9)
  • Select Point Type (End of Day or Placement)
  • Click on the Edit Button – once you do this the screen will change to look like this:
  • Change the In Season Points and/or Out of Season Points
  • Click Save  

It is critical to ensure that no gaps exist in day of week or time range for ANY restriction code and membership type.

If you decide that you do not want points after 3:00 for any times do the following:

                Edit the existing times to end at 15:00 (this is 3:00 pm military time)

                Add times for each restriction code from 15:01 to 22:00 (this ensures we cover the entire week)

This provides the club complete control over their point structure.

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